Dance Honors Cesar Chavez

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, Dana Tai Soon Burgess and dancer Felipe Oyarzun Moltedo collaborated with two San Angelo, TX, musicians to honor the legacy of César Chávez with a special dance in the Wilson House Garden, October 17, 2020. Read more in the GoSanAngelo article HERE and watch

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Washington Post Suffrage Outside

Wilson House Executive Director Elizabeth Karcher speaks with Washington Post's John Kelley about the Wilson House's Suffrage Outside! exhibition in October 2020.

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NTHP Coverage of Suffrage Outside!

The National Trust for Historic Preservation (NTHP) covers the Wilson House's Suffrage Outside! exhibition.

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“The King’s Game”: The Story Behind a Unique Piece of Baseball (and Presidential) History

In Washington, D.C., home to The President Woodrow Wilson House, baseball fever has swept the city. The local team, the Washington Nationals, are advancing to the World Series for the first time in modern franchise history, and it’s the first World Series involving a Washington team since 1933. Wilson House Executive

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Suffrage Outside: President Woodrow Wilson House Marks the 19th Amendment at 100

When the COVID-19 pandemic closed the President Woodrow Wilson House doors in the spring of 2020, we looked beyond the walls of our historic building for new ways to tell our story. With the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment fast approaching, staff needed to quickly pivot the ways

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WUSA9 Suffrage Outside

Wilson House Executive Director speaks with WUSA9 journalist Janice Park about the Wilson House's Suffrage Outside! exhibition in September 2020.

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C-SPAN Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman and Women's Suffrage Harriet Tubman is celebrated for her work as an abolitionist, Underground Railroad conductor, and Union Army scout during the Civil War. Karen Hill of the Harriet Tubman House talked about Tubman’s lesser-known role as an activist in the women’s suffrage movement. The President Woodrow Wilson House in Washington, D.C. hosted this

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NTHP Covers Wilson and Baseball

The National Trust for Historic Preservation (NTHP) covers President Wilson's surprising connection to baseball.

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It’s All Fun and Games at the President Woodrow Wilson House

At the President Woodrow Wilson House's Vintage Game Night guests can enjoy 1920s-era board games, croquet in the garden (weather permitting), and locally-brewed beer. It’s not every day you can party at a president’s house. But at the President Woodrow Wilson House in Washington, D.C.’s Kalorama neighborhood, things get rowdy the

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The Places that Shaped Woodrow Wilson: A Conversation with Biographer A. Scott Berg

A. Scott Berg is a Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award winner who has made a career out of chronicling the lives of famous Americans like Charles Lindbergh and Katharine Hepburn. His latest and possibly most ambitious biography, Wilson -- released on September 10 ($40, G.P. Putnam’s Sons) -- brings a

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