Hidden Washington

Hidden Washington does a deep dive and a visit behind closed doors at the museum. Hosted by Elena Tibbetts DomoNaut presents "Hidden Home Histories": Woodrow Wilson House.

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Listen to the full interview of Biographer Rebecca Robert's author, "Interview with NPR" set at the historic Woodrow Wilson House.

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Five Best: Books on First Ladies Selected by Rebecca Boggs Roberts, the author of ‘Untold Power: The Fascinating Rise and Complex Legacy of First Lady Edith Wilson.’

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The Woodrow Wilson House hosts NPR's Steve Inskeep and author Rebecca Boggs Roberts in an interview about her new biography of Edith Wilson. Her book Untold Power: The Fascinating Rise and Complex Legacy of First Lady Edith Wilson, covers the First Lady's independence as a local D.C. figure and the

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The Language of Love: 7 Stories of Connection at Historic Sites

Love is a tale as old as time. We asked our Historic Artists’ Homes and Studios (HAHS) program sites and our National Trust Historic Sites to share their most compelling love letters. From artists inspired by their partners to White House courtships, here are seven stories of love, connection, and creativity. While we feature

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Interview with Educator Jeanne Xenakis

Executive Director Elizabeth Karcher interviewed for US History Repeated, an online HS lesson on Wilson and WWl. Woodrow Wilson Part 1 Woodrow Wilson Part 2 Woodrow Wilson Part 3 US History Repeated

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The Women Who Saved Our Sites - a panel discussion at the Past/Forward Conference

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The Hill

The Hill shares a story about the Wilson House and First Fashion.

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Fashion and Diplomacy

The Wilson House presents a beautiful Edith Wilson dress for display at the First Fashion Gala. This gala, as part of a nonprofit called Diplomacy and Fashion, strives to celebrate diversity, global culture, and the role fashion plays in diplomatic practice.

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WWD Women’s Wear Daily

Women's Wear Daily spotlights a Wilson House collection dress belonging to Edith Wilson as part of a new gala event about the fashion of first ladies and gentlemen. The First Fashion Gala, an inaugural event by the nonprofit Diplomacy and Fashion, sets out to emphasize fashion as "the silent language

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