Directions to Woodrow Wilson House:
Woodrow Wilson House is located at 2340 S Street in a quiet residential neighborhood of Northwest DC, close to Metro and Metrobus. The Kalorama Neighborhood is also home to The Phillips Collection, Anderson House, and numerous embassies and Ambassadorial residences. Scroll down to find maps and directions.
METRO: Dupont Circle (Red Line) is the nearest Metro Stop.
BUSES: The N2, N4, and N6 Metro buses stop at 24th Street and Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., one block from Woodrow Wilson House.
PARKING: Parking is available on the street, subject to parking restrictions (generally, “two-hour parking” applies).

From Dupont Circle (Red Line) Metro
Click on the Map to see Metro Access and Walking Directions to the Wilson House from Dupont Circle
Proceed Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue about 5 blocks (through Sheridan Circle) and turn right on 24th Street, N.W. Turn right on S Street, N.W. — 2340 S Street, N.W. is the third building from the corner.
Driving Directions
Click on the Map for directions from all major roads leading to the Wilson House
From Dupont Circle: Proceed Northwest on Massachusetts Ave. about 5 blocks (through Sheridan Circle). Turn right on 24th Street, N.W. Turn right on S Street, N.W. — 2340 S Street, N.W. is the third building from the corner. Parking is available on the street, subject to parking restrictions (generally, “two-hour parking” applies). During Covid, DC govt has lowered the speed limit on S Street by using some barriers. To visit Wilson House, just drive around the signs that say CLOSED TO THROUGH TRAFFIC.
Parking Access
Click on the Map to see where you can park in Kalorama
Read signs carefully as there are many different parking regulations.